How to Move On in Social Media Without Unfollow and Block

Move on after breaking up from girlfriend emang not ever easy. Especially in this modern era, the variety of social media makes it easier for us to want to continue to connect with our former, which automatically also makes it difficult for us to move on.

Actually, the easiest way to move on is to unfollow, unfriend or block former social media accounts. But, the way it grew more and more old-fashioned impressed and not classy. In addition, we will be considered not an adult because do not want to keep the ropes of hospitality. Confused right?

Just calm down! This time Jaka will love you classy tips how to move on social media without having to unfollow or block your ex account. Curious how to do? Immediately wrote follow the steps below yes.

1. Expand Relationships in Social Media

To overcome so that he is no longer he (former) who appears on your social media feed, multiply relationships with follow your friends or other relatives who may not have time you follow. In fact, there is no harm too for contacts via social media directly.

2. Follow Favorite Accounts

You certainly have idol artist, hobby or program that you like dong. Immediately aja follow their accounts and diligently follow the development and news about them in social media. It is very possible to swallow your attention from the former account.

3. Hold Temptation

Still aja you will occasionally still see updates or post your latest ex. If that happens, you should be able to stand the temptation! Set commit to no more kepo and 'ngubek-ngubek' social media account, let alone send a message. You can do it!

4. Log Out Your Social Media Account

If you get to the point of not being strong enough to go to the former, occasionally you need to log out your social media account. This needs to be done for you to take a break so as not to be tempted to ex-account kepoinak. If you feel better, you may log in again.

5. Uninstall the Application

All the ways above you've done but still aja failed and still can not move on. This last way would not want you to do. By uninstalling the social media application, you will no longer be able to get in there much less tempted to ex-account coins.